Wisma Indomobil 4 is located on Jl. MT Haryono Kav. 8, Jakarta 13330. This is the forth building of Indomobil with 24 storeys and 4 basements. The usage of ground anchor is to ensure the ground remains stable and allows for deep, wide excavations. It is temporary, because the long-term stability of the ground is maintained by the structure built in the excavation (basements). This building’s also using pre-stressed system in the beam structure, which Freyssinet also carry-out.
Scope of Works
Freyssinet was responsible the installation of temporary ground anchors. There were 219 nos ground anchors installed, consist of 3 layers: 69 nos removable anchor and 150 nos non-removable anchor. The longest length of anchor is 32 meter with 10 strands and diameter 200 mm
Owner PT Multi Central Aryaguna
Main Contractor PT Multibangun Adhitama Konstruksi
Construction Management PT Jakarta Management Land
Years of involvement Dec 2015 – June 2016
Project Manager Vitradi