Pada tanggal 5 Oktober 2023, acara Freyssinet Innovation Network menghadirkan para pemangku kepentingan terkemuka di dunia konstruksi di JW Marriott Jakarta. Acara ini menjadi ajang penting yang mempertemukan 40 orang eksekutif dari berbagai sektor, termasuk konsultan, pemerintahan, swasta, dan BUMN yang bergerak dalam industri konstruksi.

Acara Dibuka oleh Dr. Herry Irpanni, S.T., M.Sc. dari Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat
Acara ini dimulai dengan sambutan dari Kepala Subdirektorat Wilayah II Pembangunan Jembatan, Dr. Herry Irpanni, S.T., M.Sc., yang memberikan wawasan penting tentang perkembangan terbaru di sektor pembangunan jembatan di Indonesia. Sambutan ini memberikan gambaran awal yang kuat untuk acara ini.
Sambutan dari Pemangku Acara PT Freyssinet Total Technology, Bapak Tri Suryadi
Pemangku acara selanjutnya adalah Bapak Tri Suryadi, Head of Engineering and Marketing dari PT Freyssinet Total Technology. Beliau memberikan wawasan tentang visi dan misi perusahaan dalam menghadirkan teknologi mutakhir di industri konstruksi di Indonesia.
Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
Dalam sesi ini, Prof. Iswandi Imran, seorang Professor in Civil Engineering dari ITB, memimpin diskusi mengenai “Bridge Design for Urban Connectivity: Integrating Transportation and Infrastructure.” Sesuai dengan tema tersebut, diskusi membahas peran infrastruktur yang modern dan efisien dalam mendukung konektivitas perkotaan, dengan penekanan khusus pada desain struktur jembatan yang menggunakan teknologi-teknologi konstruksi terkini. Ini adalah wawasan yang sangat penting dalam menghadapi perkembangan urbanisasi yang pesat.

PT Freyssinet Total Technology
Sesi ini dipimpin oleh Anggi Raditya, Deputy Marketing Manager PT Freyssinet Total Technology, dan membahas “Synergizing Global Excellence and Local Manufacturing Product.” Diskusi ini mengenalkan sinergi antara teknologi dan keahlian global dengan industri dan keahlian lokal. Salah satu contohnya adalah teknologi berstandar internasional yang telah diproduksi secara lokal di Indonesia oleh PT Freyssinet Total Technology. Ini adalah langkah penting dalam membawa teknologi mutakhir ke Indonesia dan berkontribusi pada kemajuan negara.
Freyssinet Major Project (Cable Stayed Bridge)
Terakhir, sesi keempat membahas “Freyssinet Grand Project in Asia: Conquering Challenges, Showcasing Expertise.” Dipimpin oleh Lee Brown, Business Development Manager, dan Bunyamin Hatibie, Technical Manager dari Freyssinet, para ahli membahas peran penting Freyssinet dalam konstruksi jembatan dengan teknologi cable stayed di proyek-proyek besar di Asia. Diskusi fokus pada penanganan dan penyelesaian berbagai tantangan konstruksi dengan memanfaatkan keahlian dan expertise dari Freyssinet di berbagai negara.
Acara Freyssinet Innovation Network 2023 di JW Marriott Jakarta adalah momentum yang sangat penting dalam menghadirkan inovasi dan teknologi terbaru dalam industri konstruksi di Indonesia. Dengan menghadirkan para pemangku kepentingan terkemuka dan ahli di bidangnya, acara ini tidak hanya menjadi wadah berbagi pengetahuan tetapi juga menjadi langkah konkret dalam mendorong kemajuan sektor konstruksi di tanah air.
On October 5, 2023, the prestigious Freyssinet Innovation Network event brought together key stakeholders in the world of construction at the JW Marriott Jakarta. This event served as an essential platform, gathering 40 executives from various sectors, including consultants, government officials, private enterprises, and state-owned enterprises, all engaged in the construction industry.
Keynote Speech by Dr. Herry Irpanni, S.T., M.Sc., Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing
The event commenced with an address by Dr. Herry Irpanni, S.T., M.Sc., Head of Subdirectorate for Region II Bridge Construction, who provided valuable insights into the latest developments in bridge construction in Indonesia. His opening remarks set an initial solid tone for the event.
Event Hosted by Mr. Tri Suryadi, PT Freyssinet Total Technology
Next, Mr. Tri Suryadi, Head of Engineering and Marketing at PT Freyssinet Total Technology, took the stage as the event host. He shared insights into the company’s vision and mission in bringing cutting-edge technology to the construction industry in Indonesia.

Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
In this session, Prof. Iswandi Imran, a Professor in Civil Engineering from ITB, led a discussion on “Bridge Design for Urban Connectivity: Integrating Transportation and Infrastructure.” Aligned with the theme, the panel explored the role of modern and efficient infrastructure in supporting urban connectivity, with a specific focus on bridge structure designs utilizing the latest construction technologies. This was valuable insight, considering the rapid urbanization trends.
PT Freyssinet Total Technology
This session, led by Anggi Raditya, Deputy Marketing Manager at PT Freyssinet Total Technology, centered around “Synergizing Global Excellence and Local Manufacturing Product.” The discussion introduced the synergy between global technology and expertise with local industry and skills. One notable example was the production of internationally standardized technology locally in Indonesia by PT Freyssinet Total Technology. This represents a crucial step in bringing cutting-edge technology to Indonesia and contributing to the nation’s progress.
Freyssinet Major Project (Cable Stayed Bridge)
Lastly, the fourth session addressed “Freyssinet Grand Project in Asia: Conquering Challenges, Showcasing Expertise.” Led by Lee Brown, Business Development Manager, and Bunyamin Hatibie, Technical Manager at Freyssinet Major Project – Asia Pacigic, the experts delved into Freyssinet’s significant role in Bridge construction projects in Asia, using a variety of different methodologies within Freyssinet’s portfolio along with references to iconic stay cable bridges and viaducts in Asia and throughout the rest of the World.
Innovative methods of construction over buildings, existing highways and railway lines and sliding and rotating methods were also discussed in the session.
The discussion focused on tackling and resolving various construction challenges by leveraging Freyssinet’s expertise from multiple countries. The Freyssinet Innovation Network 2023 event at JW Marriott Jakarta was a pivotal moment in introducing innovation and the latest technology to the construction industry in Indonesia. By bringing together top stakeholders and experts in the field, this event not only served as a knowledge-sharing platform but also marked a concrete step towards advancing the construction sector in the country.
The Q&A session after the presentation was particularly interesting in that the attendees showed interest in specific bridge construction methods, such as Incremental Launching.
The Freyssinet Innovation Network 2023 event at JW Marriott Jakarta was a pivotal moment in introducing innovation and the latest technology to the construction industry in Indonesia. By bringing together top stakeholders and experts in the field, this event not only served as a knowledge-sharing platform but also marked a concrete step towards advancing the construction sector in the country.