History of Freyssinet Indonesia

PT FREYSSINET TOTAL TECHNOLOGY adalah salah satu perwakilan dari SOLETANCHE FREYSSINET group di Indonesia sejak 1983. Selama lebih dari 30 tahun berbisnis di Indonesia, PT Freyssinet Total Technology telah dipercaya untuk melaksanakan lebih dari 1200 proyek baik untuk perusahaan publik maupun swasta menggunakan teknologi inovatif Freyssinet di seluruh Indonesia dan menjadi salah satu pionir di industri Prestressing dan pekerjaan terspesialisasi.

PT FREYSSINET TOTAL TECHNOLOGY didukung oleh staf teknik lokal yang ahli di bidangnya. Bagaimanapun, PT Freyssinet Total Technology mendapat dukungan penuh serta bantuan teknis dari Freyssinet Group. Kami merupakan Organisasi Global yang hadir secara Lokal di Indonesia.

In Indonesia, PT FREYSSINET TOTAL TECHNOLOGY is the representative of the SOLETANCHE FREYSSINET group since 1983. In more than 30 years of business in Indonesia, PT FREYSSINET TOTAL TECHNOLOGY has been appointed to implement more than 1200 specialized projects for both public and private companies using the Freyssinet Technologies all over the country to become one of the leader of prestressing market and specialized works.

At this moment, all of the engineering staffs of PT Freyssinet Total Technology are Indonesians. However, for any other kind of work that could be provided by the Freyssinet Group, PT Freyssinet Total Technology has a full support and technical assistance from our regional engineering office in Thailand or any other Freyssinet subsidiaries in the world. We are a GLOBAL ORGANIZATION WITH LOCAL PRESENCE.