Pembangunan Jalan Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GORR) menghubungkan Pelabuhan Gorontalo dengan Bandara Jalaluddin, mempermudah konektivitas antar pusat pusat ekonomi Kota Gorontalo. Dalam Pembangunan jalan nasional non-tol (tidak berbayar) tersebut terdapat 2 jembatan menghubungkan 2 tebing.

Freyssinet diberi kepercayaan dalam menyuplai bantalan struktur girder jembatan menggunakan elastomeric bearing pad dan expansion joint tipe strip seals PS-50.
Selain itu, Freyssinet juga mengerjakan expansion joint atau siar muai yang juga disuplai oleh PT Freyssinet Total Technology sesuai dengan standar.
Hubungi PT Freyssinet Total Technology untuk berdiskusi bagaimana solusi inovatif kami dapat mendukung proyek Anda selanjutnya!
The construction of Gorontalo Outer Ring Road (GORR) connects Gorontalo Port with Jalaluddin Airport, facilitating connectivity between the economic centers of Gorontalo City. In the construction of the non-tolled national road, there are 2 bridges connecting 2 cliffs.
Freyssinet was entrusted with supplying bearings for the bridge girder structure using elastomeric bearing pads and strip seals type PS-50 expansion joints.
In addition to that, Freyssinet also works on the installation of expansion joints which are also supplied by PT Freyssinet Total Technology in accordance with standards.
Contact PT Freyssinet Total Technology to discuss how our innovative solutions can support your next project!