Jakarta, 3 Maret 2023, PT Freyssinet Total Technology mengadakan Makan Malam Gala Tahunan di Plataran Dharmawangsa. Acara ini dihadiri para jajaran eksekutif, antara lain Yves Barge, Regional Director of Asia Freyssinet, Eric Le Bian, Regional Chief Finance Officer Freyssinet, dan Vincent Bernier, Country Director Freyssinet Indonesia.
Acara diawali dengan sambutan dari Yves Barge, Vincent Bernier, dan Eric Le Bian. Mereka menyampaikan apresiasi atas kerja keras dan dedikasi tim PT Freyssinet Total Technology, menyoroti peran penting inovasi dan teknologi dalam industri konstruksi. Barge menyampaikan bahwa penting bagi perusahaan dalam mengembangkan solusi inovatif untuk memenuhi kebutuhan klien yang terus berkembang. Bernier berbagi tentang tantangan yang dihadapi di Indonesia dan bagaimana komitmen tim PT Freyssinet Total Technology untuk menjaga kualitas, keselamatan, dan kerja sama tim yang menjadi kunci keberhasilannya. Le Bian mempresentasikan kinerja keuangan perusahaan, memaparkan bagaimana manajemen keuangan yang baik dan perencanaan strategis memungkinkannya mencapai pertumbuhan dan profitabilitas.

Jakarta, March 3rd, 2023, PT Freyssinet Total Technology held the Annual Gala Dinner at Plataran Dharmawangsa. The event was graced by the presence of prominent executives, including Yves Barge, the Regional Director of Asia for Freyssinet, Eric Le Bian, the Regional Chief Finance Officer of Freyssinet, and Vincent Bernier, the Country Director for Freyssinet Indonesia.
The highlight of the evening was the speeches by Yves Barge, Vincent Bernier, and Eric Le Bian. They expressed their appreciation for the hard work and dedication of the PT Freyssinet Total Technology team, highlighting the crucial role of innovation and technology in the construction industry. Barge emphasized the company’s pioneering efforts in developing innovative solutions to meet the clients’ evolving needs. Bernier shared the challenges of operating in Indonesia and how the PT Freyssinet Total Technology team’s commitment to quality, safety, and teamwork has been key to its success. Le Bian presented the financial performance of the company, highlighting how sound financial management and strategic planning enabled it to achieve growth and profitability.